Finland Post

Finland Post追踪

Posti 是芬蘭主要的郵政服務營運商


追蹤 Posti 貨件

Finland Post

郵政集團公司(Posti Group Corporation),俗稱Posti,是芬蘭的國家郵政服務提供者。該公司成立於 1638 年,總部位於芬蘭赫爾辛基。Posti 提供一系列服務,包括郵件遞送、物流服務和電子商務解決方案。該公司每天負責在芬蘭和國際上遞送數百萬封信件、包裹和其他物品。


郵政集團公司總部位於芬蘭首都赫爾辛基。辦事處地址:Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu 11, 00100 Helsinki, Finland。


Posti 提供一系列服務,包括郵件遞送、物流和電子商務解決方案。Posti 擁有超過 20,000 名員工,其業務不僅在芬蘭,而且在北歐國家和國際範圍內開展。Posti 致力於為客戶提供高品質的服務,並持續投資於新技術和創新,以改善其營運。

Posti 貨運追蹤系統

Posti 為客戶提供全面的貨件追蹤系統,使他們能夠即時追蹤他們的貨件。客戶可以使用 Posti 在發貨時提供的追蹤號碼來追蹤他們的貨件。追蹤號碼是分配給每件貨件的唯一標識符,用於在包裹通過郵政系統時追蹤包裹。

Posti 追蹤號碼格式

Posti 提供的追蹤號碼的格式會根據客戶選擇的服務而有所不同。對於國內貨件,對於國內貨件,追蹤號碼包含字母和數字,如 001234567890000123456、01234567890 或 JJFI000001234567890123456 等格式所示。相較之下,國際貨件的追蹤號碼以兩個字母開頭,後面跟著九位數字,最後以芬蘭的兩個字母國家代碼「FI」結尾,如 EE123456789FI 或 MT123456789FI 等範例所示。


Posti 提供一系列國內遞送服務,提供不同的遞送時間和選項。國內郵件的標準遞送時間為 1-2 個工作日,而包裹的遞送時間通常為 1-4 個工作日,具體取決於目的地。客戶還可以選擇一系列提供更快交貨時間的加急交貨選項,例如當日交貨和隔日交貨。


Posti 為全球 200 多個國家提供國際遞送服務。國際貨件的遞送時間取決於目的地國家/地區、客戶使用的服務類型以及貨件的尺寸和重量。通常,國際運輸快遞服務需要 2-5 個工作天,標準服務需要 5-14 個工作天。

Posti 對永續發展的承諾

Posti 致力於永續發展,並以對環境負責的方式運作。該公司製定了減少碳足跡的雄心勃勃的目標,並採取了一系列措施來實現這些目標。Posti 也致力於促進社會永續發展,並高度關注員工福祉和多樣性。


如何聯絡 Posti 進行與貨件相關的諮詢?

對於任何與運輸相關的問題,建議直接聯絡 Posti,電話:+358 100 5577。他們的客戶服務團隊的工作時間為週一至週五8:0018:00,週六9:0016:00。這條直接聯絡 Posti 支援人員的熱線可協助您追蹤查詢、貨件更新以及與郵政服務相關的任何其他問題。作為第三方追蹤平台,Posti 與用戶之間的無縫溝通確保了貨運問題的及時解決。

如何追蹤 Posti 貨件?

若要追蹤 Posti 貨件,請在上方的欄位中輸入追蹤號碼,點選「承運商」按鈕,然後選擇「芬蘭郵政」。如果您不確定哪家承運商正在處理您的貨件,請讓系統代表您自動選擇承運商。之後,點擊「追蹤」按鈕,您將被重定向到追蹤結果頁面。在這裡,您將找到有關您的貨件的詳細信息,包括地點和日期。

為什麼我的 Posti 貨件追蹤沒有更新?

您的貨件追蹤未更新可能有多種原因。可能的原因包括技術問題、資料傳輸延遲或您的包裹在中轉站未被掃描。如果您的追蹤資訊在超過 48 小時內沒有更新,您可能需要聯絡 Posti 客戶支援尋求協助。

我可以在沒有追蹤號碼的情況下追蹤 Posti 貨件嗎?

遺憾的是,如果沒有追蹤號碼,您將無法追蹤 Posti 貨件。追蹤號碼對於存取貨件追蹤系統和監控包裹的進度至關重要。如果您遺失了追蹤號碼,您可能需要聯絡寄件者或 Posti 客戶支援尋求協助。

Posti 貨件追蹤的準確度如何?

Posti 的貨件追蹤系統整體上準確且可靠。然而,由於技術問題、資料傳輸延遲或人為錯誤,偶爾可能會出現差異。如果您認為您的追蹤資訊有問題,請聯絡 Posti 客戶支援尋求協助。

為什麼我的 Posti 貨件延遲了?

有多種因素可能導致出貨延誤,包括惡劣的天氣條件、清關問題或旺季包裹量大。儘管 Posti 努力按時遞送包裹,但不可預見的情況有時會導致延誤。若要監控包裹的進度,請使用貨件追蹤系統和您的追蹤號碼。

如何報告 Posti 貨件遺失或損壞?

如果您的 Posti 貨件遺失或損壞,您應盡快向 Posti 客戶支援報告該問題。準備好提供相關信息,例如您的追蹤號碼、貨件詳細資訊和損壞描述。Posti 將調查該問題並提供後續步驟的指導。

Posti 更新貨件追蹤資訊需要多久時間?

Posti 通常會在 24 小時內更新貨件追蹤資訊。但是,在高峰期或遇到技術問題時,更新可能需要更長的時間。如果您發現追蹤更新明顯延遲,請聯絡 Posti 客戶支援尋求協助。

我的 Posti 貨件出貨後可以更改其送貨地址嗎?

在某些情況下,您的貨件出貨後可能會更改送貨地址。不過,這取決於貨件的狀態和 Posti 的政策。要詢問更改送貨地址的信息,請聯繫 Posti 客戶支援並提供您的追蹤號碼和更新的地址資訊。

如果我的追蹤訊息顯示我的 Posti 貨件已送達,但我尚未收到,我該怎麼辦?

如果您的追蹤訊息顯示您的包裹已送達,但您尚未收到,請先與鄰居或其他家庭成員確認。如果包裹仍然遺失,請聯絡 Posti 客戶支援以報告問題並開始調查。準備好提供您的追蹤號碼和其他相關詳細資訊。


Posti Group Corporation 是芬蘭國家郵政服務供應商,提供郵件遞送、物流和電子商務解決方案等一系列服務。該公司總部位於芬蘭赫爾辛基,在芬蘭、北歐國家和國際範圍內開展業務。Posti 為客戶提供全面的貨件追蹤系統,為每件貨件分配一個獨特的追蹤號碼。國內和國際貨件的遞送時間會根據客戶使用的服務和目的地國家而有所不同。Posti 致力於永續發展,並以對環境和社會負責的方式運作。

Finland Post 貨件追踪通過的狀態示例

A pickup location nearest to the street address of the recipient has been selected for the item
Declare the item and pay Posti's handling fee within 20 days of arrival
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> Errors in the TDG information of the item have been corrected by Posti. Delivery may be delayed by one day
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> Processing of the item is delayed
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> The item information is unclear. Delivery may be delayed. We are looking into the issue and will update Item Tracking with additional information
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> The item violates Posti’s service terms. We are looking into the issue. Delivery may be delayed by one day
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> The packaging or cover has been damaged during Posti’s processing. We will fix the packaging if necessary. Delivery may be delayed by one day
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> The weight or dimensions of the item exceed the limits set in Posti’s service terms. Delivery may be delayed by one day
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> There has been an error in processing the item
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> There has been an error in processing the item. We are looking into the issue. Delivery may be delayed by one day
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> There was an error in the item’s address information, but the correct address has been clarified. Delivery may be delayed by one day
Delivery may be delayed by one day -> We have edited the item information at the sender’s request. Delivery may be delayed by one day
Destination, Notification for recipient
Destination, Sorting Facility
Destination, Takeover by Access Point
Handling fee for item paid to Posti
Item arrived in the destination country -> The item has reached Finland and will continue on its way as a Posti delivery
Item arrived in warehouse
Item delivered to the recipient
Item has arrived to destination country
Item has been registered
Item has been registered -> The item can be registered several times during delivery. Registrations do not affect the item’s delivery speed but simply show the progress of the delivery
Item has been released for delivery
Item has departed from country of origin -> The item has left for Finland. A delivery time estimate cannot be given yet
Item has departed from country of origin -> The item has left for Finland. It might not be delivered directly to the destination country. Therefore a delivery time estimate cannot be given yet
Item in process in office of exchange
Item in process in office of exchange -> The item is being processed in the international terminal after which it will continue on its way to the target country
Item in sorting
Item in sorting -> As a rule, parcels are delivered to the recipient on the next business day following sorting
Item is in delivery transportation -> The item is in vehicle on its way to the recipient
Item is in transport in country of origin
Item is in transport in country of origin -> The item has been mailed in the country of departure. A delivery time estimate cannot be given
Item is in transport in destination country
Item is on the way to the recipient
Item is ready for delivery in destination country
Item is ready for pick up at a collection point
Item is routed to an outlet because the locker was full
Item is routed to an outlet because the selected locker was full
Item picked up from the sender -> The item has been picked up from the sender and will usually be delivered to the recipient on the next business day
Item presented to customs in the destination country
Item received for transport
Item's COD has been paid. The payment will be credited to the account within 2–4 banking days from payment