Deutsche Post Mail

Deutsche Post Mail қадағалау

Deutsche Post – Германиядағы негізгі пошталық қызмет көрсетуші компания


Deutsche Post Mail қадағалаңыз

Deutsche Post Mail

Deutsche Post Company (Deutsche Post AG) — әлемдегі ең ірі логистикалық компаниялардың бірі және оның сәлемдемелерді жеткізуге, сондай-ақ жеткізу тізбегін басқаруға бағытталған және оның штаб-пәтері Пост мұнарасында, Бонн, Германияда орналасқан неміс трансұлттық компаниясы. Deutsche Post 1995 жылдың 2 қаңтарында құрылды және содан бері 592 263 қызметкерге дейін өсті, олардың 190 000-нан астамы Германияда жұмыс істейді. Сондай-ақ компанияда 260 жеткізу ұшағы және 117 037 жеткізу көлігі бар, соның ішінде электр жетектері бар көліктер.

Deutsche Post Mail жөнелтілімдерін қалай бақылай аламын?

Deutsche Post Mail сәлемдемелерін қадағалау үшін сізге жарамды Deutsche Post Mail бақылау нөмірі қажет, мысалы LX123456789DE. Бақылау нөміріңіз 100% Deutsche Post Mail бақылау нөмірі екеніне сенімді болсаңыз, жоғарыдағы өріске бақылау нөміріңізді енгізіңіз, содан кейін «Deutsche Post Mail» опциясын таңдаңыз. " операторы түймешігін басу арқылы тасымалдаушы ретінде таңдаңыз, әйтпесе жүйені сіз үшін автоматты түрде тасымалдаушыны таңдау үшін қалдырыңыз. содан кейін бақылау түймесін басыңыз, содан кейін сіз бақылау бетіне қайта бағытталасыз, онда сіз жөнелтіңіз туралы толық ақпаратты, оның ішінде оның орны мен күндерін аласыз.

Deutsche Post Mail бақылау нөмірлері қалай көрінеді?

Deutsche Post Mail бақылау нөмірлерінің ұзындығы 13 таңбадан тұрады, 2 әріптен басталатын 9 саннан кейін Германияның 2 ел коды DE. Бақылау нөмірінің бірінші әрпі L немесе R немесе U әрпінен кейін басталады, мысалы RC123456789DE, LP123456789DE, UA123DE59 .

Deutsche Post Mail жөнелтілімін қадағалау арқылы өтетін күйлердің мысалдары

A 2nd attempt at delivery is being made
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 02.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 04.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 05.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 05.07.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 08.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 12.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 15.02.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 17.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 19.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 19.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 22.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 27.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 29.04.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 31.05.2023
Die Sendung konnte nicht zugestellt werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den DHL Kundenservice. DHL Kundenservice
Die Sendung wurde vom Absender zur Abholung durch DHL bereitgestellt und erfolgt am nächsten Werktag
Die Sendung wurde von DHL abgeholt
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. Please find more information here
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The address will be checked
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The shipment is being returned to sender
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The shipment will be readdressed and forwarded to the recipient
Due to the lack of address information, the recipient of the shipment is currently being determined. The onward transport of the shipment is delayed
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 02.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 03.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 04.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 04.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.04.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.04.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in Greece or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 09.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 10.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 10.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up