Deutsche Post Mail

Deutsche Post Mail 조회

Deutsche Post는 독일의 주요 우편 서비스 회사입니다.


Deutsche Post Mail 추적

Deutsche Post Mail

Deutsche Post Company(Deutsche Post AG)는 전 세계에서 가장 큰 물류 회사 중 하나이며 소포 배송과 공급망 관리에 중점을 둔 독일 다국적 기업이며 본사는 독일 본의 Post Tower에 있습니다. 1995년 1월 2일에 설립된 Deutsche Post는 592,263명 이상의 직원을 보유하고 있으며 그 중 190,000명 이상이 독일에서 근무하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 또한 전기 구동 차량을 포함하여 260대의 배달 비행기와 117,037대의 배달 차량을 보유하고 있습니다.

Deutsche Post Mail 발송물을 어떻게 추적합니까?

Deutsche Post Mail 소포를 추적하려면 유효한 Deutsche Post Mail 추적 번호(예: LX123456789DE)가 필요합니다. 추적 번호가 100% Deutsche Post Mail 추적 번호인 경우 위 필드에 추적 번호를 입력한 다음 "Deutsche Post Mail " 이동통신사 버튼을 클릭하여 이동통신사로 지정하거나 시스템에서 자동으로 이동통신사를 선택하도록 합니다. 그런 다음 추적 버튼을 클릭하면 위치 및 날짜를 포함하여 배송에 대한 자세한 정보를 얻을 수 있는 추적 페이지로 리디렉션됩니다.

Deutsche Post Mail 추적 번호는 어떻게 생겼습니까?

Deutsche Post Mail 추적 번호의 길이는 13자이며, 2자 문자로 시작하고 9자리 숫자 뒤에 독일 DE의 2개 국가 코드가 옵니다. 추적 번호의 첫 번째 문자는 L 또는 R 또는 U로 시작하고 다음에 RC123456789DE, LP123456789DE, UA123456789DE가 나옵니다. .

Deutsche Post Mail 배송 추적이 통과하는 상태의 예

A 2nd attempt at delivery is being made
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 02.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 04.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 05.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 05.07.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 08.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 12.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 15.02.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 17.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 19.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 19.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 22.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 27.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 29.04.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 31.05.2023
Die Sendung konnte nicht zugestellt werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den DHL Kundenservice. DHL Kundenservice
Die Sendung wurde vom Absender zur Abholung durch DHL bereitgestellt und erfolgt am nächsten Werktag
Die Sendung wurde von DHL abgeholt
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. Please find more information here
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The address will be checked
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The shipment is being returned to sender
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The shipment will be readdressed and forwarded to the recipient
Due to the lack of address information, the recipient of the shipment is currently being determined. The onward transport of the shipment is delayed
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 02.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 03.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 04.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 04.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.04.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.04.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in Greece or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 09.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 10.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 10.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up