Deutsche Post Mail

Deutsche Post Mail追踪




Deutsche Post Mail

德國郵政公司(Deutsche Post AG)是全球最大的物流公司之一,是一家專注於包裹遞送和供應鏈管理的德國跨國公司,總部位於德國波恩郵政大廈。Deutsche Post 成立於 1995 年 1 月 2 日,自那時以來已發展到擁有超過 592,263 名員工,其中超過 190,000 人在德國工作。該公司還擁有 260 架交付飛機和 117,037 輛交付車輛,包括電動車輛。


要跟踪您的德國郵政郵件包裹,您需要一個有效的德國郵政郵件跟踪號,例如 LX123456789DE,如果您確定您的跟踪號是 100% 德國郵政郵件跟踪號,請在上面的字段中輸入您的跟踪號,然後選擇“德國郵政郵件” 作為承運人,請單擊承運人按鈕,否則係統會自動為您選擇承運人。之後單擊跟踪按鈕,您將被重定向到跟踪頁面,您將在其中獲得有關您的貨物的詳細信息,包括其位置和日期。

Deutsche Post Mail 追踪號碼是什麼樣的?

Deutsche Post Mail 追踪號碼長度為 13 個字符,以字母開頭 2 個字母,後跟 9 個數字,後跟 2 個德國國家代碼 DE,追踪號碼的第一個字母以 L 或 R 或 U 開頭,後跟例如 RC123456789DE、LP123456789DE、UA123456789DE .

Deutsche Post Mail 貨件追踪通過的狀態示例

A 2nd attempt at delivery is being made
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 02.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 04.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 05.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 05.07.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 08.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 12.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 15.02.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 17.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 19.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 19.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 22.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 27.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 29.04.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 31.05.2023
Die Sendung konnte nicht zugestellt werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den DHL Kundenservice. DHL Kundenservice
Die Sendung wurde vom Absender zur Abholung durch DHL bereitgestellt und erfolgt am nächsten Werktag
Die Sendung wurde von DHL abgeholt
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. Please find more information here
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The address will be checked
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The shipment is being returned to sender
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The shipment will be readdressed and forwarded to the recipient
Due to the lack of address information, the recipient of the shipment is currently being determined. The onward transport of the shipment is delayed
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 02.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 03.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 04.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 04.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.04.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.04.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in Greece or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 09.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 10.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 10.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up