Deutsche Post Mail

Deutsche Post Mail seuranta

Deutsche Post on Saksan suurin postipalveluyritys


Seuraa Deutsche Postin postia

Deutsche Post Mail

Deutsche Post Company (Deutsche Post AG) on yksi suurimmista logistiikkayrityksistä ympäri maailmaa ja sen saksalainen monikansallinen yritys, joka keskittyy pakettitoimitukseen sekä toimitusketjun hallintaan ja jonka pääkonttori sijaitsee Post Towerissa, Bonnissa, Saksassa. Deutsche Post perustettiin 2. tammikuuta 1995, ja sen palveluksessa on yli 592 263 työntekijää, joista yli 190 000 työskentelee Saksassa. Yhtiöllä on myös 260 jakelukonetta ja 117 037 jakeluautoa, mukaan lukien sähkökäyttöiset ajoneuvot.

Kuinka seuraan Deutsche Post Mail -lähetyksiä?

Deutsche Post Mail -lähetysten seurantaa varten tarvitset voimassa olevan Deutsche Post Mail -seurantanumeron, esim. LX123456789DE. Syötä seurantanumerosi yllä olevaan kenttään, jos olet varma, että seurantanumerosi on 100 % Deutsche Post Mail -seurantanumero, ja valitse sitten "Deutsche Post Mail " operaattoriksi napsauttamalla operaattoripainiketta, muussa tapauksessa jätä järjestelmä valitsemaan operaattori automaattisesti puolestasi. Napsauta sen jälkeen seurantapainiketta ja sinut ohjataan seurantasivulle, josta saat yksityiskohtaista tietoa lähetyksestäsi, mukaan lukien sen sijainti ja päivämäärät.

Miltä Deutsche Post Mail -seurantanumerot näyttävät?

Deutsche Post Mail -seurantanumeroissa on 13 merkkiä, jotka alkavat kirjaimella 2 kirjainta, jota seuraa 9 numeroa ja sen jälkeen 2 maakoodia Saksa DE. Seurantanumeron ensimmäinen kirjain alkaa kirjaimella L tai R tai U, jota seuraa esim. RC123456789DE, LP123456789DE, UA123DE4567 .

Esimerkkejä tiloista, jotka Deutsche Post Mail -lähetysseuranta läpäisee

A 2nd attempt at delivery is being made
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 02.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 04.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 05.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 05.07.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 08.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 12.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 15.02.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 17.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 19.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 19.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 22.05.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 27.06.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 29.04.2023
A notification regarding the item was issued and the recipient picked up the item on 31.05.2023
Die Sendung konnte nicht zugestellt werden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den DHL Kundenservice. DHL Kundenservice
Die Sendung wurde vom Absender zur Abholung durch DHL bereitgestellt und erfolgt am nächsten Werktag
Die Sendung wurde von DHL abgeholt
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. Please find more information here
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The address will be checked
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The shipment is being returned to sender
Due to an address error, the shipment could not be delivered. The shipment will be readdressed and forwarded to the recipient
Due to the lack of address information, the recipient of the shipment is currently being determined. The onward transport of the shipment is delayed
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 02.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 03.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 04.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 04.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 05.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.04.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 06.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.04.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 07.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in Greece or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.06.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 08.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 09.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 10.05.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up
It was not possible to reach the recipient; the item was scanned on 10.07.2023. The item is either being delivered in or being held for pick-up