Thailand Post

Thailand Post追踪




Thailand Post

泰国邮政是一家国有邮政服务公司,成立于 2003 年 8 月 14 日,总部位于泰国曼谷的拉克西。泰国邮政在全国拥有 1,284 个邮局、3,279 个邮局执照持有人、22,644 个邮箱和超过 32,804 名员工(截至 2020 年 12 月 31 日)。他们每年运送多达 20 亿个国内包裹和 3700 万个国际包裹。泰国邮政还将全球速卖通商品从中国运送到世界其他国家。




泰国邮政追踪号码长度为 13 个字符,以 2 个字母 [AZ] 开头,后跟 9 位数字,后跟泰国国家代码“TH”,例如 EE123456789TH、GC123445678TH、RS021369425TH。


(# = 字母,* = 数字,! = 字母或数字)

  • A# *** *** *** TH
  • C# *** *** *** TH
  • E# *** *** *** TH
  • G# *** *** *** TH
  • K# *** *** *** TH
  • L# *** *** *** TH
  • O# *** *** *** TH
  • R# *** *** *** TH
  • S# *** *** *** TH
  • V# *** *** *** TH


对于国内包裹,泰国邮政大约需要 3-14 天才能送达,可能需要更长的时间,具体取决于目的地城市的位置。

对于国际包裹,泰国邮政大约需要 14-45 天才能送达,可能需要更长的时间,具体取决于目的地国家的位置。


Thailand Post 货件追踪通过的状态示例

Addressee advised to pick up the item due to Addressee not available at time of delivery, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Addressee s address being verified due to Incorrect Address, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Announcement available at post office, Please contact THP Contact Center 1545
Arrival at inward office of exchange
Arrival at outward office of exchange
Arrival at post office
Carded, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Carrier received
Closed House, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Customer notified due to failed delivery, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Departure From Outward OE
Export cancellation
Final delivery
Hand over to carrier
Import cancellation
In transit
Information sent to the country of destination for verification
Item allowed to import into the country of destination
Item arrival at collection point for pick-up (by recipient)
Item being held, addressee being notified due to Force majeure – item not delivered, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Item held,addressee notified due to Addressee not available at time of delivery, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Item held,addressee notified due to Payment of charges, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Item out for physical delivery
Item returned to sender due to Force majeure – item not delivered, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Item returned to sender due to Incorrect Address, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Item returned to sender due to Unclaimed, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
No Recipient, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Overdue, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
P.O. Box (Issue Notification), Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Perform customs clearance
Return to the origin post office, Return to Sender
Scheduled delivery attempt due to Addressee not available at time of delivery, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Scheduled delivery attempt due to Incorrect Address, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Scheduled delivery attempt due to Item refused by addressee, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Scheduled for further delivery attempt today due to Force majeure – item not delivered, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Scheduled for further delivery attempt today due to Missed delivery, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Scheduled for further delivery attempt today due to Payment of charges, Unsuccessful (physical) delivery
Successful, Final delivery
The receptacles arrived at carrier facility at transport destination
The receptacles delivered to the destination post
The sender received the returned item, Final delivery
The transport arrived at airport