Azerbaijan Post

Azerbaijan Post追踪




Azerbaijan Post

阿塞拜疆邮政是交通部旗下的阿塞拜疆主要邮政服务运营商,成立于1999年9月29日,总部位于阿塞拜疆巴库。阿塞拜疆邮政于 2004 年成为国家邮政运营商,覆盖阿塞拜疆全境,拥有超过 1513 个邮局、144 个邮政机构、74 个邮政支局、7 个呼叫中心和 3 个子公司,还使用 195 辆送货车进行运输包裹和邮件。对于国际运输,他们支持将包裹运送到全球 60 个国家/地区。




阿塞拜疆邮政追踪号码长度为 13 个字符,以 2 个字母 A 到 Z 开头,后跟 9 个数字,后跟阿塞拜疆 2 个字母国家代码“AZ”,例如 UY971482414AZ、CP536537175AZ、RR968318431AZ。

跟踪阿塞拜疆邮政发货 EMS

阿塞拜疆邮政 EMS(特快专递服务)是阿塞拜疆邮政提供的最快的递送服务。EMS 的跟踪号以字母 E 开头,后跟另一个字母,后跟 9 位数字,然后是阿塞拜疆 2 字母国家代码“AZ”,例如 EE123456789AZ、EA352468541AZ。

要跟踪阿塞拜疆邮政 EMS 包裹,只需将您的跟踪号放在上面的字段中,然后单击跟踪按钮,您将获得有关您的货物的跟踪结果。

阿塞拜疆邮政 EMS 允许您将国际包裹发送到全球 220 多个国家/地区,包裹重量不超过 30 公斤。


对于国内货件,阿塞拜疆邮政大约需要1-7 个工作日才能送达您的货件。

对于国际货运,阿塞拜疆邮政将需要大约7-45 天的时间来运送您的货物,运送时间取决于目的地国家/地区的位置,例如,如果您将包裹从阿塞拜疆发送到亚洲国家,它们将比您发送到美国的速度更快国家。

Azerbaijan Post 货件追踪通过的状态示例

Arrival at delivery office
Arrival at inward office of exchange
Arrival at outward office of exchange
Arrival at post office
Arrival office of exchange
Departure from inward office of exchange
Departure from outward office of exchange
Final delivery G**** ****
Held by customs 21
Held by customs 73
Held by customs Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner
Held by customs CN 22/23 missing
Held by customs High-value goods - Official Customs declaration required
Held by customs Item handed over to customs authority for Final delivery G**** ****
Import terminated
Item arrival at collection point for pick-up (by recipient)
Item held at outward office of exchange
Item into sorting centre
Item out for physical delivery
Item presented to import customs
Item returned from customs (import)
Posting at origin office
Unsuccessful delivery 30 Attempted delivery today
Unsuccessful delivery Addressee not at address indicated; addressee's office close Attempted delivery today
Unsuccessful delivery Addressee not at address indicated; addressee's office close Item being held, addressee being notified
Unsuccessful delivery Addressee not at address indicated; addressee's office close Will attempt delivery on next working day
Unsuccessful delivery Missed Delivery Item being held, addressee being notified