DHL Parcel Poland

Cek Resi DHL Parcel Poland

DHL Parcel Polandia adalah layanan DHL Express untuk memberikan parsel antara toko dan pelanggannya di dalam Polandia.

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Lacak Paket DHL Polandia

DHL Parcel Poland

DHL dan Deutsche Post merupakan perusahaan pos dan logistik terbesar di dunia. Bersama-sama mereka dikenal sebagai Deutsche Post DHL Group. Mereka menawarkan berbagai solusi logistik jalan raya, udara, dan kereta api yang tak tertandingi. Dengan 500.000 karyawan di lebih dari 220 negara di seluruh dunia.

DHL Parcel Poland adalah layanan ekspres DHL untuk mengirimkan paket antara toko dan pelanggannya di Polandia.

Bagaimana cara melacak paket DHL Parcel Poland?

Untuk melacak parsel DHL Parcel Poland, masukkan nomor pelacakan pada bidang di atas, klik tombol "Operator" dan pilih "DHL Parcel Poland", jika Anda tidak yakin operator mana yang mengirimkan parsel Anda, kemudian tinggalkan sistem untuk memilih operator secara otomatis atas nama Anda, setelah itu klik tombol "Lacak", maka Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman hasil pelacakan di mana Anda akan menemukan informasi rinci tentang kiriman Anda termasuk lokasi dan tanggal.

Bagaimana tampilan nomor pelacakan DHL Parcel Poland?

Nomor pelacakan DHL Parcel Poland memiliki dua bentuk:

  • formulir 1 memiliki 11 digit misalnya 20134573938, 21134573654.
  • formulir 2 memiliki panjang 26-27 karakter yang dimulai dengan huruf "JD" atau "JJD" diikuti dengan 24 digit. misalnya JD000020099946000000009665, JJD000020021762000000431095.

Berapa lama DHL Parcel Polandia mengirimkan paket Anda?

Waktu pengiriman terutama tergantung pada lokasi tujuan dan layanan DHL yang dipilih oleh pengirim paket Anda. Untuk paket domestik, waktu pengiriman harus 2-7 hari .

Contoh status yang dilewati oleh pelacakan pengiriman DHL Parcel Poland

Arrive at [Chongqing International Mail Processing Center] (via transfer)
Customer was notified about the date and place for picking up shipment
DHL received electronic data of shipment
DHL received electronic shipment data. Information will be updated after Sender hands out shipment for transport
Delivery failed. Shipment awaiting consecutive delivery cycle
Delivery to DHL POP is planned on the next working day
Delivery to DHL POP was not possible.There will be another delivery attempt
Electronic information of goods has been received
Electronic information submitted by shipper
Invalid address for delivery. Please contact DHL Parcel Customer Service Department at 42 6 345 345
Leave [Chongqing International Company Direct Small Packet Business Department], the next stop【Chongqing International】
Leave [Chongqing International Mail Processing Center], next stop [Chongqing International Mail Exchange Station] (via transfer)
Notification has been sent to recipient
Parcel Data Received
Recipient refused to pick up shipment
Recipient’s decision: shipment to be picked up in person in DHL POP
Shipment accepted at DHL shipping terminal
Shipment arrived in Poland
Shipment arrived in branch office
Shipment arrived to DHL POP
Shipment handed out to courier for delivery
Shipment has been collected from DHL POP
Shipment in customs clearance
Shipment in transport
Shipment is waiting to be collected from DHL POP
Shipment left Poland
Shipment picked up by DHL courier from DHL POP
Shipment ready to be delivered on the next working day
Shipment returned to sender
Shipment sent from DHL POP is waiting to be collected by DHL courier
Shipment under processing in sorting depot
Shipment was delivered to recipient
Shipment will be returned to sender, addressee unknown
Sorting and preparation for sealing and distribution
The Destination Country Post Office receives the parcel sorting
The Item is at the shippers warehouse
The consignment has arrived in the country of destination
The item has been processed in the country of destination
The item is ready for shipment
The local customs office allowed him to leave
The package arrived at the customs of the destination country
The package arrived at the logistics warehouse and was successfully collected