Thabit Logistics

Thabit Logistics Tracking

Thabit Logistics is an express delivery service company in Saudi Arabia


Track Thabit shipments

Thabit Logistics

Thabit Logistics is a delivery service company in Saudi Arabia. The company is headquartered in Khurais Road Ext. 28 Opposite to Al Olayan, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Thabit Logistics provide an integrated, flexible, cost-effective, and with the highest quality standards to meet the Customer needs associated with its belief in the continuous improvement to its services and its ambition will characterized them to exceed customer expectations.

How do I track Thabit shipments?

To track a Thabit shipments, put the tracking number in the field above, click on "Carrier" button and select "Thabit Logistics", if you are not sure which carrier delivers your shipment, then leave the system to choose the carrier automatically on your behalf, after that click on "Track" button, then you will be redirected to the tracking results page where you will find detailed information about your shipment including locations and dates.

How long does Thabit take to deliver your shipments?

According to our statistics, Thabit will deliver domestic shipments within 1-5 days to any city in the territory of Saudi Arabia. This time frame is not guaranteed as it is only based on our statistics and can be exceptions where the shipment requires more days to be delivered, such as if the address is incorrect, weather conditions are bad...etc. All of this information will be available in the tracking results.

Also, it should be noted that we support the English and Arabic language in the tracking results of Thabit shipments.

What are the working hours of Thabit Logistics?

Thabit company are working from Sunday to Thursday from 08:00 AM to 09:00 PM.

I didn't receive Thabit shipments. what should I do ?

Firstly check your Thabit tracking results and it latest tracking info, if the status of your shipment does not change for more than 7 days please contact Thabit Logistics customer service for clarification.

  1. Go the the contact page on
  2. Fill the form, Full name, email address, phone number … etc.
  3. in the message field explain your problem and include the tracking number so they can recognize your shipment.
  4. Fill all other required fields
  5. click on submit button.
  6. Then They will contact you via your email address.
  7. You can also contacting them directly via phone number. I can include the phone number here but it may be changed over time so it recommended to go to the official website at
  8. Scroll down until you will find the phone number, call them and explain your problem.
  9. Please note that before you talk to Thabit Logistics customer service, Bring the correct tracking number first.