Quantium Solutions

Quantium Solutions追踪

Quantium Solutions是一家總部位於新加坡的物流公司,向220多個國家 \/地區提供跨境運輸



Quantium Solutions

Quantium Solutions 是一家總部位於新加坡的物流公司,為 220 多個國家/地區提供跨境運輸服務。該公司為電子商務企業提供許多服務,例如倉儲、履行和最後一英里交付。Quantium Solutions 在亞太地區的 10 個國家/地區開展業務,可通過網絡訪問世界上幾乎所有國家/地區。

如何跟踪 Quantium Solutions 包裹?

要跟踪 Quantium Solutions 包裹,請在上面的字段中輸入跟踪號碼,單擊“承運商”按鈕並選擇“Quantium Solutions”,如果您不確定哪個承運商運送您的包裹,然後讓系統自動選擇承運商代表您,然後單擊“跟踪”按鈕,然後您將被重定向到跟踪結果頁面,您將在其中找到有關您的貨物的詳細信息,包括位置和日期。

Quantium Solutions 跟踪號碼是什麼樣的?

Quantium Solutions 擁有新加坡郵政、台灣郵政、泰國郵政、印度尼西亞郵政、香港郵政和 GDEX 等眾多合作夥伴。所以追踪號碼會根據物流夥伴的不同而有不同的形式,例如如果包裹運送到台灣,則追踪號碼會像 QD123456789TW。

如果包裹運送到新加坡,跟踪號將類似於 EQ123456789SG、UQ987654321SG

大多數 Quantium Solutions 跟踪號碼如下,它們以 2 個字母開頭,後跟 9 個數字,後跟 2 個字母的目的地國家/地區代碼,例如 LP254689513SG、RP658425124TH、QP693652879ID、RQ653248020HK

Quantium Solutions 交付您的包裹需要多長時間?

Quantium Solutions 有許多交付服務,例如 Q-Sure、Q-Speed、Q-smart 和 Q-Simple 每項服務都有自己的交付時間和交付限制,下表將顯示每項服務及其相關的交付時間。

Q-Sure2-5天國內包裹(網絡國家)高達 30 公斤
Q-速度3-7天國際包裹高達 30 公斤
Q-smart4-10天國際包裹不超過 2 公斤
Q-簡單4-17 天國際包裹不超過 2 公斤

Quantium Solutions 貨件追踪通過的狀態示例

Return shipment delivered to sender
Shipment Information sent to Postal Operator
Shipment arrived at overseas hub/ branch
Shipment created
Shipment delivered
Shipment delivered ~ Delivery complete and dues received
Shipment delivery unsuccessful
Shipment delivery unsuccessful ~ Redelivered by RA
Shipment despatched to overseas
Shipment despatched to transshipment hub
Shipment detained by customs at destination
Shipment handed over for line haul/ delivery
Shipment handed over to airLine
Shipment held at customs/ government check point
Shipment held at customs/ government check point ~ General inspection required
Shipment in transit with 3rd party
Shipment lodged with Postal Operator
Shipment out for delivery
Shipment out from destination sorting centre
Shipment pick up request confirmed
Shipment picked up from sender
Shipment received at 3rd party hub/ branch
Shipment received at collection point for Pickup
Shipment received at destination hub
Shipment received at destination hub/ branch
Shipment received at destination transit centre
Shipment received at hub/ branch
Shipment received at origin hub
Shipment received at origin hub/ branch
Shipment received at transshipment hub
Shipment refused by recipient ~ Consignee refused
Shipment released from customs/ government check point
Shipment released from customs/ government check point ~ Item examined
Shipment released from customs/ government check point ~ Item tax paid
Shipment returned from overseas
Shipment sent from destination transit centre
Shipment sent from transit office
Shipment sent to transshipment hub
Shipment under processing at Singapore Hub Air Mail Transit Centre
Shipment under processing at delivery office
Shipment under processing at destination sorting centre
Shipment under processing at origin hub